среда, 6 августа 2014 г.

download Obama, In His Own Words for free

Obama, In His Own Words

News & Magazines

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Have you ever been with friends, and wanted to play an audio quote from President Obama, but found it took a long time to find it online, or couldn't due to signal problems? This app puts all the noteworthy quotes right at your fingertips, such as heard on Glenn Beck, FoxNews etc.

This app features audio quotes from President Barack Obama, his wife Michelle, members of his administration, and friends/supporters of the administration. All of these quotes can be found on popular media sharing sites, but are available here, in a single, easy to access application. This app is intended to be the absolute best Obama administration audio quotes app available.

The included quotes from the above sources cover topics ranging from Operation Fast and Furious, fuel prices, green energy, the Occupy Wall Street movement, quotes illustrating the Benghazi timeline, the 2008-2012 campaign montage, an Apology Tour and more.

Many of the quotes were requested by those who have downloaded the app previously. If there are quotes that you would like to see in this app, please email the us at inhisownwords@comcast.net, or visit us on Facebook at http://ift.tt/1q0NU6E.

A few of the large selection of Obama quotes that are included in this app are:

“I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go”

“attended classes sparingly, drank beer heavily, and tried drugs enthusiastically”

“you didn’t build that”

"believe in redistribution"

"Where's your dollar!"

"if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can — it’s just that it will bankrupt them"

"Shovel-ready was not as. uh shovel-ready as we expected"

"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care"

"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam"

"They’re going to put y’all back in chains"

and many more!

There are no opinions expressed in this app, and those who run this app are encouraged to do their own research and draw their own conclusions. Again, only the actual audio quotes are present in this app. If there are those who are not happy with the selection of quotes, please suggest ones that you would like to see included.

If you like this app, please consider telling others about it, as it is critical for everyone to know what our candidates said before casting their vote.

The app can be moved to external storage after installed, if desired.

Future updates of the app should include:

- Search

- Sharing of quotes through popular social media sites

- Marking quotes as favorites

- More Audio quotes

If you find that this app has no sound, please make sure, settings such as mute and vibrate are not enabled, and make sure that the volume is turned up.

Addressing install issues:

We have found that for a small selection of Android devices, one may rarely encounter installation issues. For anyone experiencing issues with installing the app, look for the "Obama, In His Own Words Install - Unsuccessful" in the tray on the bottom of your screen. If you see this, others have been successful with installing this app by following the below steps:

- Press the "unsuccessful" icon on the bottom of the screen

- This should lead you directly to the App’s place in the Android market.

- You should see the "Install" button; This will mean that you bought the app, and it did download, but didn't install.

- Tap the install button again, to re-install the App

Others have seen this problem with other larger apps as well.

In one case, it took many subsequent install attempts but the app did eventually install. Feel free to email Cutlass App Development at inhisownwords@comcast.net if you encounter problems with installing the app.

We hope that you get hours and enjoyment from this app!

Download .apk

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