Ear Coach
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Train your ears with Ear Coach. Great for musicians!
Ear Coach is a simple to use ear trainer that will help you increase your relative pitch. Learn to better recognize different intervals and chords. Ear Coach will provide you with opportunities to quiz yourself by listening to and identifying different interval changes. Great for music students or anyone that wants to hear music better.
+ Interval and chord trainer
+ Interval and chord player
+ Training statistics
+ Large range of intervals & chords
+ 3 challenge levels + custom challenge level
+ Selectable root note range
+ Adjustable tempo
+ Multiple play modes
keywords: music theory, ear training, relative pitch, perfect pitch, intervals, chords, scales, musicians, music students, aural skills, perception
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Sixth Awesome New billboard for Tron Legacy Comes Online!Ah s** t that just keeps getting better! I know I always say that but it is true! IGN debuted the latest poster / banner photo from Tron Legacy, the sixth in the series, which they have since December last year unveiling free Ear Coach torrent download . This Garrett Hedlund has in a surprisingly badass - lookin ' a photo a photo still have never seen, pretty damn cool. It looks like Tron Legacy is probably going to end up the highlight of Comic-Con 2010 with all the sweet things that they are as part of the plan 'ComiTRON. 'Furthermore, it was recently confirmed that Flynn's Arcade will be returning! Past billboards: first, fourth and fifth. Check this out!
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