Icon App 1 Go Launcher EX
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You must have Go Launcher EX (which is free) installed for this icon pack to work. There are 538 icons for you to use as custom shortcuts, 4 wallpapers, and 5 dock. All icons are in high definition without cheap variations. You do not have to apply this as a theme to be able to use this app. If you do not know how to use the assets follow the included directions below. Don't forget to check out our other icon apps for Go Launcher Ex, icon apps for ADW Launcher, and dock packs for ADW Launcher EX under view more applications at the bottom of the page. Like us on Facebook to get all info on updates and new releases. This icon app is also available for ADW Launcher.
To use icon with Go Launcher EX:
1. Long press icon on your desktop
2. Press replace
3. Press Theme's Icon
4. Select Go Icon App 1 from the drop down box in the top right corner of the screen
To use the wallpapers with Go Launcher Ex:
1. Press Menu
2. Press Wallpapers
3. Select Go Wallpaper
4. Choose Wallpaper
To use the docks with Go Launcher Ex:
1. Press Menu
2. Press Themes
3. Settings (top right corner)
4. Press Backgrounds
5. Press Dock Background
6. Select Go Theme Background
To use the app drawer background with Go Launcher Ex:
1. Press Menu
2. Press Themes
3. Settings (top right corner)
4. Press Backgrounds
6. Press Select App Drawer Background
7. Select Go Theme Background
AI Development holds various license for artwork that is not created internally as such this app is for personal use only. All rights to assets remains with AI Development and/or any original artists.
tags: custom dock, dock pack, adw theme, launcherpro, icon, dockbar, docks, go launcher ex, golauncher, launcher pro, dock bar, pack, icon pack, Desktop Visualizer
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